Brookings SD Professional Tree Service
Call for a free estimate 605-695-8550 or 605-641-5812
Terms and Conditions of Our Tree Service
Performance by Glacial Lakes Tree Service
Work crews shall arrive at the job site unannounced unless otherwise noted. Glacial Lakes Tree Service shall attempt to meet all performance dates, but shall not be liable for damages due to delays from inclement weather or other causes beyond our control. Damages beyond our control include damage to landscape, sidewalk and driveway due to heavy machinery. However, all attempts are made to foresee and reduce these impacts.
All work will be performed in a professional manner by experienced personnel outfitted with the appropriate tools and equipment to complete the job properly. Unless otherwise arranged, Glacial Lakes Tree Service will remove all wood, brush and debris incidental to the work.
Glacial Lakes Tree Service is fully licensed and insured; its employees are covered by Workers Compensation Insurance.
The customer warrants that all trees, plant material and property upon which work is to be performed are either owned by him/her or that permission for the work has been obtained from the owner. Glacial Lakes Tree Service is to be held harmless from all claims for damages resulting from the customer’s failure to obtain such permission.
Terms of Payment
All accounts are net 15. A service charge of 1.5% may be added to accounts not fully paid 15 days subsequent to the invoice date. If outside assistance is used to collect the account, the customer is responsible for all costs associated with the collection, including, but not limited to, attorney fees and court costs.